
After an apprenticeship as window decorator in the late 80’s, he explored the various facets of this profession – theatrical scenography, interior design for bars & restaurants, events – before devoting his time to stage design in clubs.
He travelled in Switzerland, France, Spain and was part of the first Mapping Festival technical team, which enabled him to discover a totally new universe.
Always deeply interested in the world of visuals, he benefited from the new developments in the MadMapper software to control interactive LED and video installations. He also regularly animates workshops around those themes.


Early 90’s , started to collaborate organizing nightlife, beside working for others
decorators on corporative events, and scenography for theaters companies.

Firsts steps where at Usine in Geneva (CH), concerts, parties, festivals.

Mid 90’s, beginning of works for clubs, as paintings, ambiances, scenography,
first residencies, moving around swiss, at the same time doing bars/restaurants decorations.

Meanwhile as part of the job working on corporative exposition stands.

Deeply engaged in the associative Geneva scene, part of different art workshops
projects, as construction displays, silk print, etc…

Half Spanish, collaborating for parties in clubs of north part of Spain, blueprints
works for architecture studio.

Always interested by technologies and collaborations, in the late 90’s, start of live
lights control on my scenography’s designs, this push me into the Mapping festival technique in Geneva, new tools, new world, discovering the didactic workshops development.

Mid 2k’s, moving around Spain, 3 years residency in Ibiza.

Then light live control and video mapping became important part of my works,
touring different clubs and festivals across western Europe, strongly collaborate
with others crews and artists.

From 2016, to 2020, visual booker for the club le Zoo in Geneva.

My skills are to understand your concept, create a world, display, ambiance,
around it, corporative or artistic.

Let make your dreams real!.